Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Analyzing Context

Responses to the prompts/questions in WPL p. 340

  1. There are two dominating schools of thought on this debate. One side recognizes that the US has and has had the most active nuclear program in the world. This program has created a waste that must be dealt with properly. The other school of thought is that nuclear waste repositories are dangerous and can harm the environment and public health, so they must not be used/a different option must be found.
  2. The main point of contention is that the repositories are not safe. The recent accidents that happened in the repository seem to support this position. However, supporters of the continuation of WIPP's use argue that the incident was minor and not representative of WIPP's future.
  3. Both groups agree that environmental and public safety are the main concerns when finding a way to deal with nuclear waste.
  4. There are no clear trends in ideological beliefs. People of various backgrounds support both sides of the issue.
  5. Both sides have a similar approach as to what action they encourage. They would like people to voice their support/opposition via voting and other governmental responsibilities.
  6. I think the perspective that a nuclear waste repository is absolutely the safest and securest way we have to store waste supports my argument. I share the belief that we need an operable repository. We have waste and we need to store it.
  7. I think the perspective that WIPP is not safe based on the recent accidents is a fairly strong position. They have very valid concerns since the WIPP is projected to last 10,000 years, but only went less than ten before having a minor radiation leakage.

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