Saturday, August 1, 2015

Questions About Controversy

For this module, I have chosen the debate on whether or not the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant should continue operation.


Who is doing research for WIPP?
Who was responsible for the most recent accident?
Who is in favor of WIPP?
Who is not in favor of WIPP?
Who is in charge of making sure the WIPP is safe?

What, specifically, is stored in WIPP?
What happened with the most recent accident?
What are the negative consequences of WIPP?
What are the positive consequences?
What can people do to help WIPP?

When did WIPP open?
When did the most recent accident occur?
When will WIPP start accepting waste again?
When was the waste created?
When is WIPP certified to last until?

Where is WIPP located?
Where else could a repository be located/
Where does the waste come from?
Where do people live in relation to WIPP?
Where are major decisions about WIPP made?

How does WIPP work towards reopening?
How are we sure that WIPP is safe?
How does the EPA play a role?
How did the recent accident happen?
How is the community affected?

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