Saturday, July 25, 2015

Analyzing My Audience

What values, ideas, norms, beliefs, even laws of the culture play an important role in the text?

The main value that plays an important role in the article is public health. This is the primary concern that is involved when discussing nuclear energy and waste. The culture of the US is very much interested in the safety and well being of its people.

Does the text address these cultural values, beliefs, etc., directly or indirectly?

The article addresses this cultural value directly. The subject of the article is finding a safe place to store nuclear waste. Much of the article is spent describing how the New Mexico location is an optimal site to store nuclear waste. The article also describes an accident where a truck caught fire in the repository. The purpose of this section was to demonstrate how the repository is not immune to accidents. However, the conflict that this accident is resolved when the article describes how injuries due to the accident were minimal. This keeps the public's safety interests on the forefront of the article, addressing them directly.

What is the relationship of the text to the values, beliefs, etc.? Is it critical of these aspects of the culture? Is it supportive? Does it seek to modify these aspects of the culture is a certain way?

The article is very supportive of the culture's value of public safety. The article's purpose is to describe how the repository's location is very safe. It does not seek to modify the culture's pre-established value structure. Rather, it works within them to assuage any fears as per the purpose of the article.

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