Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Project 2 Outline


For my introduction I plan on providing some history about the US' nuclear waste repositories, including Yucca mountain and WIPP. This will provide some context on the subject and frame the analysis to come.


Here is the thesis that I have created: In his article, “Nuclear Waste Solution Seen in Desert Salt Beds,” Matthew L. Wald of the New York Times constructs a position in support of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in southern New Mexico. He accomplishes this by writing in a scientific style that emphasizes the use of appeals to credibility and logic while staying appropriate for the audience that frequents his medium.

The Body Paragraphs
  1. Will talk about some of the considerations that the author has to take when writing his piece: audience and context of the piece. And how these two elements will effect the content of his writing
  2. This paragraph will briefly summarize the authors credentials and give background
  3. Rhetorical strategy: Although I do not mention pathos in the introduction, I will briefly describe why pathos is not emphasized for this article. This will simultaneously explain what could seem to be a missing point for this piece while setting up the next body paragraphs. Support includes the fact that images are present as well as quotation about emotionally endearing account.
  4. Rhetorical strategy: This paragraph will analyze the author's use of ethos in the piece. With support using quote from the article
  5. Rhetorical strategy: This paragraph will analyze the author's use of logos in the piece. With support using multiple quotes from the article.

The conclusion will synthesize the information above. It will explain how this article is effective at advocating for the continued use of WIPP since it takes a scientific style that emphasizes the credibility and logic of the argument rather than the emotional appeal while still including some elements of pathos to make this piece valuable for any background of person.  


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