Thursday, July 16, 2015

Evaluation of Social Media Sources

Source 1: From Columbia University in the City of New York's facebook page.
Post text with associated link:
A new study from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the University of Pennsylvania found a 27 percent spike in cardiology-related complaints such as stroke, suggesting that hydraulic fracturing could be affecting human health. Link

  • Credibility: This facebook page is not linked with a person, rather it is the official webpage of Columbia University. This is supported by the number of followers of the page (over two hundred twenty thousand). This establishes the poster's credibility as a representative of the University.
  • Location: The location from where they are posting is likely New York City. Although the city is not directly affected by fracking, the state as a whole has a large amount of reserves that can be harnessed and as such this is a very relevant issue for the area.
  • Network: Of the thousands of followers it is likely that many scholars, professionals, and academic related officials are linked to this page. 
  • Content: The post includes a link to a source for the claim that the post makes. This clearly corroborates the statements made.
  • Contextual Updates: This is the first post from this page that I could find on the subject.
  • Age: The account has been around for over five years.
  • Reliability: This source of information is reliable.

Source 2: From Texas Oil and Gas Association's facebook page.
Post text with associated link:
Fracking has helped American become more energy independent. SHARE this post and click below to read more if you support American energy independence! Link

  • Credibility: This facebook page is not linked with a person, rather it is the official webpage of the Texas Oil and Gas Association. This does establish some credibility in the field of geochemistry and geophysics.
  • Location: As the Texas Oil and Gas association. this page originates from Texas. Texas is a hot bed for fracking and one of the major states where fracking is being considered and implemented on a very large scale.
  • Network: No other individuals with institutional credibility could be found within their network. However, the page does have over twenty thousand followers.
  • Content: The post includes a link to a source for the claim that the post makes. This clearly corroborates the statements made.
  • Contextual Updates: Many of the previous posts by this page are quite similar to this one. The page is often found defending fracking.
  • Age: The account has been around for over five years.
  • Reliability: This source is reliable for the information that it is supplying since it has an external resource linked in the post.

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