Monday, July 20, 2015

Summary of "UC's Doctoral Student's Research Digs Deep into the Fracking Controversy"

Paragraph Summary:
  1. Provides context on the issue at hand. Gives background information about the subject of the article.
  2. More context on what fracking is and where it is being used
  3. Describes the work that subject has done in the field. Describes the student's research and how it relates to the EPA.
  4. More specific information about the chemicals present in fracking solutions
  5. The subject of the article summarizes her findings, encourages environmentally safe practices.
  6. Subject speaks on what the result of the EPA will do.
  7. Gives specifics as to how the subject of the article conducted her research.
Revise List to Consolidate Ideas

Doctoral student at the University of Cincinnati is currently doing research on the process of hydraulic fracturing. She has found that the chemicals used can be quite dangerous and hopes that an upcoming EPA study encourages companies engaged in fracking to be envirmentally considerate.

Revise Step 2

Addition to above: The studies perfomed by the doctoral student include analysis of the disposal process of fracking fluid as well as observation of public statements on the subject.

Peer Comparison

For my peer comparison, I looked at Jason Whittler's blog. I found his summary quite similar to mine. He also chose to summarize each paragraph in a numbered list format, giving each paragraph only one or two sentences, just as I did. The only difference I could find was that he chose not to revise his second step. He probably found that he gathered all the relevant information with his first attempt.


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