Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Field of Study: Chemical Engineering

File:BTEC Bioreactors.jpg
Lawless, Rick. "BTEC Bioreactors" 08/23/2007 via Wikipedia
Creative Commons 3.0 License

  • My chosen field of study is Chemical Engineering. Chemical Engineering is a very broad field. In general, a chemical engineer learns how to take a raw material and transform it into a usable material or product via a variety of chemical processes. 
  • What drew me to chemical engineering was the diversity of its subject matter. Chemical Engineers are exposed to high level chemistry, math , physics, and a variety of specialized courses. Due to my interest in science of all forms, chemical engineering was a logical choice that allowed me to expose myself to many fields within the science genre.
  • Chemical Engineers commonly go into industry as consultants for plants and various manufacturing outfits. They are apart of virtually every consumer good manufacturing process.
  • The most exciting work being done by chemical engineers is the research in nanotechnology. This is a quickly expanding field with many universities and private companies taking great interest in its applications. Nanotechnology has many important applications from drug delivery, water purification, electronics, and many more.
  • As a scientific profession, chemical engineering has scores of academic journals for those working in industry. The most influential are as follows:


  1. Innovation and technology are pretty exciting. This sounds like really meaningful work. Any thoughts about what kinds of industries or technologies you really want to work with in the future? Like, do you plan on getting involved with nanotechnology development?

  2. Also, Mark, add a photo to your D2L user profile! Every time I go there to link to your blog, it's just an empty, befuddling white space.

    You'd be surprised how much little details like that that humanize you are important when you're communicating with people solely in digital/virtual spaces.

    1. I would like to get involved with nanotechnology. Also I added a picture, just couldn't find the right one!
