Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reflection on Project 1 Draft

AJC. "Peer Review" 05/23/2008 via Flickr. Attribution Share-Alike Generic 2.0

I had the opportunity to review Jason Wittler's draft for project 1. I was also supposed to review Caleb Wiley's, but he unfortunately has not updated his blog with a link to his draft.

After reviewing Jason's comments on my draft (Caleb did not have the opportunity to review yet) I am very pleased with his comments. Most of the issues that he found were often related to the format and organization of each section. This is something I tend to struggle with and I really appreciate having someone critiquing the flow of my sentences.

One thing that I wanted my peer reviewers to focus on was staying unbiased throughout my guide. I feel that I was effective at portraying the facts objectively, but in my final bullet Jason brough to my attention that the formatting and wording gave away my bias. This was good for me to see as I had not intended to sound as if I was favoring one side, but after reading Jason's comments I could see how the emphasis I give for one side clearly reveals bias.

To revise my guide I plan on fixing any clarity issues as well as quieting any instances of bias. I will make sure that the areas Jason commented on are revised to sound and flow smoothly. I also plan on changing that final subhead and adding a more formal conclusion to close the guide.

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