Friday, July 24, 2015

Cultural Analysis of "Nuclear Waste Solution Seen in Desert Salt Beds"

The thesis of this article is that the salt beds of south eastern New Mexico is a good location for a nuclear waste repository. The article references yucca mountain, which was a cultural event that involved a nuclear waste repositroy. Yucca mountain had huge opposition from Nevada state residents. The article uses this reference to demonstrate how the New Mexico repository is different. The WIPP (the repository being described) has support from the local community, unlike the Yucca mountain operation.

The reason that the WIPP is publicly supported is because the operation is happening in a rural area. The WIPP will bring jobs to the area, stimulating the local economy. This is a cultural value that is present in the article and it directly relates to the thesis since it supports the assertion that this location is a good place for a waste repository.

Because this audience is fairly general, (it comes fro the New York Times), this cultural value will help the audience relate to the thesis. Everyone recognizes the need for employent, so this is a good cultural value to focus on to engage the reader.

See the article here.

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